The more knowledge we gain of ourselves
The more freedom we have
Auric Body Cleansing

The1st consultation lasts for 45 mins/1 hour. This is done by using ancient spiritual teaching that has been channeled by the elder spiritual guides that Amaryllis works with. Clients book this session when they feel they need a cleansing to rid bad energy being sent to them or negative relationships that keep repeating themselves. Or they may have a physical ailment that needs de programming. We all hold memory from past and present lives that can manifest into a physical ailment. This session can help go into the depth of what the physical problem is, why it is there and how it can be cleared with deep healing tools on the other dimension.
Physical health plays a major role in this session and each chakra will show Amaryllis from where you are holding blocks and why. The information is then translated into how you are able to help and heal this throughout the session.
Clients from tennis elbow to cancer have benefited from ridding themselves of these blocks and a further half hour session is done a week later after distant healing has been set in place. Energy levels will be given an exact frequency of where they are and brought up to 100 percent using spiritual release therapy and a chart of calibration of which percent you are vibrating at will be explained.
This is a great technique to have before wanting to make a positive change and a total reset to your life.
This leaves the body with strength and the mind with clarity.
Personal Reading

During your hourly session psychic and healing energy is translated from Amaryllis and your chakra system will be worked on remotely. To allow the higher evolvement to dictate the understanding of your path ahead and clear the way showing you tools to enable clarity with pressing matters and to move at full speed ahead to the direction you will be guided to go on.
Questions are needed for preparation by the client and these can be of any nature.
Vitamin & Health Dowsing

Amaryllis uses the dowsing technique to scan the body looking at the bloods, hormonal levels physical and emotional aspects and what maybe lacking or over riding the system. You can also tell her what vitamins medicine you are on and she will calibrate the frequencies of these and give you an outcome of what is working for your body and what may not be.
This is a session that clients use to check in frequently to see how their health is and to keep onto of their game physically.
House Clearing

​Our homes are our sanctuary. They are also portholes for what they and we carry energetically into.
Just as we humans hold negativity so do our homes from past and present ongoings.
A client once told Amaryllis he will never move again without employing Amaryllis to see if it will be a harmonious move or not.
“Its better than a hoover”he said.
She has cleared country estates in Europe and the UK and many landmark buildings including the tower or London which is used as a PR company and was having many complaints from the staff that they were seeing things move.
When our homes are infected with energy that is not our own or our personal families, it can play havoc on our finances, health and relationships.
Each client is brought a crystal to leave in the home afterwards to keep the space clean.
Horse Healing

Amaryllis has grown up around horses since birth and after her car accident aged 19 found a remarkable way of communicating with them understanding what their issues in both behaviour & health.
One client accused her of calling their vet having come up with the exact change of diet and supplements that they had recommended.
"Amaryllis managed to locate the right point of discomfort with my horse very quickly and specified the source of the pain. This was later confirmed by my vet. I continue to follow Amaryllis' lead in helping to heal him energetically; she is a natural, and in picking up the source of discomfort and blockage she helped me to work with him, explaining how I could use my own energy. She also helped me make the right choice in a future purchase as she predicted the character and journey of a horse I was interested in . The predictions have proven accurate .I can highly recommend her."